Texas Independence Gets Boost As Candidates Supporting Referendum Triumph – Newsweek

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In this article by James Bickerton for Newsweek, there is a portrayal of Texas independence advocates gaining significant ground in their quest for secession. Ten supporters of our Texas First Pledge, committed to backing a referendum on Texas independence, have been elected to the state Legislature. This progress is a testament to the undeniable momentum our movement is experiencing and reflects a growing acknowledgment that Texas independence is not just a slogan—it’s a viable future for Texans.

The article briefly touches on the historical context of Texas’s brief period as an independent nation, yet seems to overlook the profound cultural and political rationale for Texan nationalism. While Bickerton notes a survey conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies indicating mixed feelings among U.S. voters about Texas secession, he misses the broader sentiment of self-determination that is thriving within Texas itself—a point President Miller emphasizes by stating, “The people of Texas sent a clear message last night: Texas independence isn’t a slogan, it’s our future.”

Furthermore, the piece mentions the attempts by the political establishment to dismiss and undermine our movement’s potential. These old tactics are losing their grip as our numbers and influence grow. With 65 current officeholders now committed to our cause, our position has never been stronger. This article, while capturing our electoral victories, fails to convey the real spirit and resolve of Texans who are steadfast in their pursuit of sovereignty. The outdated belief that supporting TEXIT is a political dead-end has been debunked, a truth underscored by the success of our candidates committed to putting Texas first.

Read More: https://www.newsweek.com/texas-independence-gets-boost-candidates-supporting-referendum-triumph-1981656

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